Nature Photography Blur Background -Photographer choices

Nature Photography

Nature photography is very interesting and never gets boring. Whether it be wildlife or landscape photography. There is always a new angle to introduce to your photos. Nature photography is a very fulfill and exciting hobby. Nature photography puts a stronger focus on the perfect value of the photo than other photos. 

It's Nearby-

Nature is every ware you don't need to look far to find a beautiful scene or a bird feeder. Everyone loves nature, You go outside and start clicking those photos. Nature photography is better if you can enjoy it. If you have had a stressful week, the natural world can be a great way to wind down and forget any problems. Nature photography helps to raise the profile of our planet and the environment.

Focus on the subject-

Let me start a very basic statement for taking good and sharp photography.


In these photos, you looking for a focus and blur area. I appreciate the fact that I can get 5 to10 inches away from my subject. How much you close to your subject the picture will be of good quality.

Blur Background -

The more distance from a subject the more blur background. This photo has we put my camera in metering mode and single point focus. I also like to photograph aged flowers. This can be a beautiful moment for a flower and a great opportunity for you to photographs.

Tripod Uses-

Using a tripod can help with focus difficulties as it eliminates any camera movement. It also makes you slow down, look at the subject and decide what you want to draw attention to and how much blur you want.
                              I would recommend using a tripod as you get started without worrying about shaking. You will also have your hand free for adjustments that need to be made.

Picking the right subject-

These are very important things to choose the right subject for better photography. I suggest that in the case of nature photography. You need to pay special attention to the quality of the subject which you intend to have in focus. I shear some photos which click on my mobile. It's not good but I'm trying to focus on the subject and more control over the background.

Practice makes perfect-

Practice is necessary to become a good photographer. So I always suggest you shooting lots and lots of photos. The more use a camera the easier. It is getting take it outside have some fun with it and committed to setting aside time to get to know the lens and camera. It's amazing how each lens has a different personality and character. The more time you invest in becoming familiar.


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